ASUS, introduces exciting pre-booking offers for its upcoming laptop, the all new Vivobook S 15, powered by Qualcomm. The stylish Vivobook S 15 OLED 2024 is set to revolutionize AI PC market with its stunning ASUS Lumina OLED display, and Snapdragon X series processor, delivering exceptional performance and advanced capabilities. Customers who will pre-book the laptop starting from 2nd July till 8th of July can avail exclusive offers worth up to INR 21,389 at just INR 1, including a Warranty Extension of 2 Years, 3 Years of Damage Protection, and branded earbuds. Pre-booking for this interesting deal is available on ASUS Pegasus stores, ASUS eShop & Flipkart.
Designed to enhance productivity while providing an immersive visual experience, this powerhouse features top-tier specifications within an all-metal sleek design, ideal for individuals seeking a durable yet stylish companion for their mobile lifestyle. The Vivobook S 15 gives you ample storage, and RAM, for all your computing needs and that too for extended hours, thanks to its long battery life. This eagerly anticipated Vivobook S 15 promises to redefine consumers’ computing experience with its striking display, formidable performance, and elegant design.
Visit – to pre-order your ASUS Vivobook S 15 now.