Expanding its portfolio of value-added services, Dish TV India Limited, India’s leading DTH Company, launched the ‘Women’s Active’ service on 21st September 2021 in partnership with FTC Talent Media and Entertainment. Aimed at today’s women, who juggle multiple roles, Women’s Active has specially curated programming centered around fashion, beauty, home décor, health, and wellness. The service is available on both its DTH platforms DishTV & D2H.
The ‘Women’s Active’ service is a one-stop destination for today’s women, who want engaging, informative content on a wide range of areas from mental and physical health, to be up to date with the latest in fashion, nifty hacks on beauty, simple improvisations to upgrade home décor and more.
Announcing the new service, Mr. Anil Dua, Executive Director & Group CEO, Dish TV India Ltd, said, “In today’s fast-paced and demanding lifestyle, there is a growing need amongst our women audience, to find holistic and convenient solutions that help manage their day-to-day challenges. Keeping this in mind, we have launched the ‘Women’s Active’ service with carefully selected content. We are confident that the new service will be well received on both the DishTV and D2H platforms.”
Omar Qureshi, CEO, FTC Talent Media & Entertainment said “The demographics have changed; with more and more women driving content consumer markets, influencing advertising and forcing content providers to think out of the box to keep them engaged. With the marriage of FTC Talent Media & Entertainment along with the outreach of DishTV & D2H, the four ‘E’s of cutting edge, targeted content have been addressed – Entertainment, Education, Empowerment, Engagement. FTC has always focussed on edutainment as a powerful means of targeted content creation and it stays true to owner/ promoter Suniel Shetty’s vision of empowerment. Yes ‘Women’s Active’ will be just that. Stories of and for women.”
The ad-free service will be accessible on channel number 117 on both DishTV and D2H at just Rs.40 (plus taxes) – per month with a special introductory offer. Customers can give a missed call on 18003150117 for D2H and 18005680117 for DishTV to activate or learn more about the channel.