Pioneering Indian audio and wearable brand Fire-Boltt has launched yet another smartwatch in the Indian market. The home grown brand on Friday took the lid off Fire-Boltt Beast, a new-age smartwatch with an industry-leading 1.69” screen size powered with full HD display. The smartwatch further boasts of the brightest screen in the segment, with a rating of 500 Nits Peak Brightness. Priced at just Rs 3,999, Fire-Boltt Beast is the perfect pick for those particular about style as well as health matrix.
To ensure that users keep a tab of their health parameters with utmost ease, the wearable comes with SPO2 monitor to measure blood oxygen level and 24×7 heart rate & blood pressure trackers. Another USP of Fire-Boltt Beast is a Meditative Breathing feature, which is engineered to help a wearer indulge in breathing exercises for holistic wellbeing. Users will further be able to track their daily activities more diligently with the help of an Intelligent Sports and Fitness Tracking system, alongside multiple sports mode. Furthermore, there is a monitor to track sleep quality, suggesting how long they enjoyed deep sleep and for how much time the sleep was light.
Referring to the latest addition in the brand’s product portfolio, Fire-Boltt co-founders Aayushi and Arnav Kishore said in a statement, “The new Fire-Boltt Beast is engineered with all essential features one would require to keep health and fitness in check. As this smartwatch tracks blood oxygen level along with heart and blood pressure, it assumes even more significance in the wake of the prevailing scenario.”
Beast, which is packed in a full metallic body, is equipped with a robust battery that lasts up to at least 8 days even when used incessantly. Additionally, there is a mode to keep the battery going for 15 days when on full power standby. Slew of specs and features also include music control, camera control and weather forecast. The IP67 certification makes the smartwatch sweat and water proof. One can toggle between modes and features easily with the slick rotating button for navigation.
Fire-Boltt Beast is up for grabs on leading e-commerce portals like Amazon.