Fire-Boltt has yet again grabbed the first spot in the Indian smartwatch market with a market share of 28% as per the latest Counterpoint research report. With India’s smartwatch market growing at an impressive 312 percent in the June quarter, Fire-Boltt has been ranked #4 Globally which resulted in India’s Smartwatch Market taking the second spot for the first time in Q2.
The brand has also led the Indian market with a 28 percent share from a mere 8.9% last year. Fire-Boltt’s increasing offline presence and good product features at affordable prices have helped the brand to take the lead. The homegrown tech start-up has also recorded a remarkable increase in shipments, taking first place in India’s market in terms of quarterly shipments.
Fire-Boltt became the 4th largest brand internationally behind established brands such as Apple, Samsung & Huawei with global smartwatch market growth to 13% YoY in Q2.
With over 30 smartwatch launches in the last six months, Fire-Boltt has inflexed the market with multiple options of smartwatches offering the latest industry features at affordable price points. The aggressive push of products, smart features & affordable price points has made Fire-Boltt inch closer to becoming a formidable force in the smartwatch category.
Shedding light on the recent achievements, Mr. Arnav Kishore, CEO & Founder, Fire-Boltt said, “I am extremely pleased to witness Fire-Boltt sailing the high tides & becoming the most preferred choice of brand in India. With our achievement, we are honored to place made in India brand on the global map for the first time and be ranked as the no. 4 brand globally. Our team’s continuous efforts to provide customers with tech-savvy products that are stylish & affordable have been our mantra to win their hearts. We aim to make Fire-Boltt a household name in India by offering products to meet the ever-changing & ever-evolving.”
Ms. Aayushi Kishore, Co-Founder at Fire-Boltt further added to the excitement, “It is a proud moment for each and every member of our team as well as the vast network of partners and third-party associates that have truly guaranteed our success. The products have received a tremendous amount of appreciation from people across ages & geographies. This instills a sense of self-assurance among all of us, who have worked day & night to be on the path to success and make Fire-Boltt a name synonym to smartwatches. We are continuously working aggressively to make Fire-Boltt the biggest brand in the market through our newest innovations and achieve bigger milestones in the near future.”
Fire-Boltt has registered a phenomenal growth of 2000% since it launched its first-ever smartwatch in October 2020. Setting a record for itself while breaking records of many other well-established brands. The brand now plans to increase local manufacturing prowess through tie-ups & setting of a native manufacturing plant, which will be instrumental in the brand’s ambitious goal to triple its revenue and reach the INR 1500 Crore mark by the end of this year.