NUOS Home Automation, an Indian company that recently launched India’s first ever IR Touchless Thermal Scanner has clocked a sale of more than 2500 units of the device globally, since May 2020. As the company witnesses a surge in demand for the product in India as well as international markets like USA, Africa, Europe, SouthEast Asia, India sets its best foot forward on the lines of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s motto of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ and going ‘vocal for local’.
Thermal scanners are extremely crucial devices, used for preliminary screening of Covid19 patients and were being imported from China, before the launch of this swadeshi product. The NUOS IR Touchless Thermal Scanner is an infrared wall-mount thermal touchless detector, for automatically detecting persons with elevated body temperature.
With the onset of the unlock across various states of India, commercial spaces are gearing up with precautionary measures to ensure safety from the spread of the virus. As per the Government of India’s Standard Operating procedure for Social Distancing for Offices, Workplaces, Factories and Establishments, the thermal scanning of everyone entering and exiting the workplace/establishment is deemed mandatory. The installation of these touchless thermal scanners at the entrances of institutions and commercial establishments like offices, shops, clinics and also the entrances of societies & households play a crucial role in curbing the spread of the deadly virus, by indicating whether a person has fever, one of the symptoms of Covid-19.
“The demand for the device is increasing everyday and we are getting calls from all over the globe. We believe that the demand will rise at an exponential rate, given the rising numbers of Covid19 positive cases each day. There is a large gap between demand and supply on the international front for a cost-effective solution. Also, we are anticipating that an Indian product will be welcomed by all countries in these times of trade wars”, says Neil Savant, Founder, CEO & Managing Director, NUOS Home Automation.
“We look forward for support from Government bodies and institutions help us take this to the next level. We envisage creating greater employment and business opportunities with the growth of marketing and trade of our product”, says Geetica Srivastava, Co-founder and CMO, NUOS Home Automation.
The company is expanding in the Indian market through B2B channels and is welcoming new channel partnerships, thereby passing on healthy margins to channel partners, as the company envisages to create a positive change in the country’s economy through exports. While there have been challenges like scarcity of man-power owing to the lockdown, migrant workers returning to their hometowns along with cash-flow for meeting extreme demand from the market, the company has taken plunge through increased capacity of production. The market demand, however, is exponential.
The device has its utility at the entrances of Government buildings, office buildings, private/public hospitals, society buildings, restaurants, malls, movie theatres, police stations, homes and societies or any establishments which have people going in and out. Manufactured in Mumbai, the NUOS IR Thermal Touchless Scanner is priced at RS. 13,999 + taxes and can be ordered online for individual use at
NUOS is also working towards introducing technologically advanced variants of the thermal scanner for commercial spaces like offices, schools, colleges, government buildings, etc. “We also have medical devices on our radar and we are working relentlessly to reduce Indian dependence on foreign products through our expertise and speed of quality product development”, adds Geetica.
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