UBON, one of India’s leading gadget accessory and consumer electronics expands its product line with the launch of brand new premium quality BT-5690 Prime Star Headphones which can stream powerful sound upto 12 hours at a single charge. These headphones are equipped with 32 mm UBON drivers and are easy to use because of the wireless Bluetooth technology. The headset has a built-in dual microphone which provides a 360 degree surround sound support. Its independent CPU delivers a crystal clear sound and a deeper bass music and is equipped with durable connector.
Every consumer demands for portability from their headset especially when they are a fitness freak or into sports, therefore UBON’s Prime Star Headphones are carefully designed to provide hands-free experience for those indulging in sports activity or driving without any hassle. It’s adjustable volume feature helps you to adjust volume when you’re listening to music or you want to talk on call without any distraction. The headphone offers extra soft cushions for superb comfort and its speaker provides natural sound effect to give a real-time experience. This Bluetooth device has an inbuilt AUX system to play music anywhere and anytime. With easy portability, these headphones are a grab to inject music into the everyday aspect of your busy life.
Commenting on the new launch, Mr. Mandeep Arora, Managing Director, UBON said, “The UBON BT-5690 Prime Star headphones have been launched with undisturbed and constant 12H audio. We have worked on the material factors of consumer demand and therefore these headphones are lightweight and compact with noise isolation and suited with the active lifestyle. We will try to maintain our performance level best for the upcoming years as well.”
Enjoy a fulfilling audio experience with this over-the-head compact headset UBON BT-5690 Prime star priced at INR 2,499. You can buy these headphones from your nearby retail outlets and e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal etc.