Sony India has launched the newest addition to its E-mount lens line up with the introduction of the FE 14mm F1.8 GM (model SEL14F18GM) – a compact, large-aperture, ultra-wide-angle lens that allows users to capture the world with new perspectives, especially when shooting landscapes, architecture, starry skies, and interiors.
“The latest Sony lens from the G Master series , the FE 14mm F1.8 GM, offers extraordinary resolution, fast and quiet autofocus and is remarkably compact,” said Mukesh Srivastava, Digital Imaging Head at Sony India “We are constantly innovating and working towards bringing technology that fulfils the needs of our customers so that they can realize their creative vision and deliver what they desire.”
Key features,
- Extraordinary Resolution in an Incredibly compact and lightweight design
- Advanced and Quiet Autofocus for enhanced stills and videos
- Professional level control and reliability with focus hold button
Price and Availability
The new FE 14mm F1.8 GM lens will be available across all Sony Centers, Alpha Flagship stores, portal and major electronic stores across India from 20th May 2021 onwards at 162,990/-