Sony India announced special offers as a part of Independence Day Sale on select audio products, ranging from Headphones, Truly Wireless Earbuds Series, portable Bluetooth Speakers and Soundbars. Sony is offering a wide range of audio products at special prices for music lovers looking to buy premium audio products, working professionals and students looking for audio devices for their work from home and learn from home requirements. With such attractive deals, we are certain that customers would love to explore their favourite products and leverage these irresistible offers.
The special price offers start from 4 th August 2021 and are valid till 15 th August 2021 across Sony retail stores (Sony Center and Sony Exclusive), portal, major electronic stores and exclusively on Amazon and Flipkart e-commerce portal.
Headphones and Truly Wireless Series
Category Model MRP (in INR) Offer Price (in INR)
Noise Cancellation Headphones WH-1000XM4 29,990/- 24,990/-
Noise Cancellation Headphones WH-XB900N 19,990/- 14,990/-
Noise Cancellation Headphones WH-CH710N 14,990/- 7,990/-
Truly Wireless Earbuds WF-1000XM3 19,990/- 12,990/-
Truly Wireless Earbuds WF-SP800N 18,990/- 12,990/-
Truly Wireless Earbuds WF-XB700 11,990/- 6,990/-
Earphones and Neckbands
Category Model MRP (in INR) Offer Price (in INR)
Headphones WI-SP510 6,990/- 3,990/-
Headphones WH-CH510 4,990/- 2,990/-
Headphones WI-XB400 4,990/- 2,990/-
Headphones WI-C310 3,290/- 2,190/-
Headphones WI-C200 2,990/- 1,699/-
Home Audio: Wireless Bluetooth Speakers
Category Model MRP (in INR) Offer Price (in INR)
Bluetooth Speakers SRS-XB43 21,990/- 14,990/-
Bluetooth Speakers SRS-XB33 15,990/- 11,490/-
Bluetooth Speakers SRS-XB23 10,990/- 7,990/-
Bluetooth Speakers SRS-XB13 4,990/- 3,990/-
Category Model MRP (in INR) Offer Price (in INR)
Soundbar HT-Z9F + SA-Z9R 97,980/- 69,990/-
Soundbar HT-RT40 29,990/- 21,990/-