India’s leading Gadget Accessory & Consumer Electronics brand UBON has launched 40 inches Smart LED TV, adding a new dimension to its product portfolio. The newly launched 40 inches Smart LED TV comes with 16:9 screen ratio, 1920*1080p full HD ready display, 24w speaker, and double HDMI port. The Smart LED TV is manufactured in India under the “Make in India” initiative.
The new Smart LED from the house of UBON is equipped with 1GB RAM + 8GB Memory, headphone connector, and supports the latest Android 9. The company claims that this newly launched Smart LED has 50Hz refresh rate which provides the experience of real picture and crystal clear sound quality. The product is RoHS Compliant certified. Along with it, the television also has premium features like twin HDMI ports to connect gaming console, Blu Ray players and set-top box. The newly launched LED TV is based on Android TV OS.
Commenting on the new launch, Mr. Mandeep Arora, Managing Director, UBON said, “Ahead of the festive season, we at UBON have launched our most awaited product- the all-new 40 inches Smart LED TV. Considering the current scenario, consumers always tend to expect new products in the market at pocket-friendly prices. As people are always looking for something new and innovative in terms of design and technology, this newly launched LED is a perfect amalgamation of sleek design and trendy features packaged at a pocket-friendly price.” He further added, “With this launch, UBON has added another milestone in its journey and is optimistic towards bumper sales ahead of the festive season.”
The all-new Smart LED TV comes at a startling cost of INR 18999/-. The product will be available across pan India through online and offline platforms