Vivo launched the V15 Pro in India, with the Pop-up selfie camera, AI Triple Rear Camera, In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology and Super AMOLED display in the V series. With an almost bezel-less 91.64% screen-to-body ratio and benchmark-setting features, the smartphone will be available in 6GB + 128GB at an MOP of INR 28,990. The device will be available for pre-order across offline and online channels including Vivo India E-store,, and Flipkartstarting today. The Vivo V15 Pro will come in two color variants – Topaz Blue and Ruby Red, and will hit both online and offline stores on 6th March.
The smartphone is packed with never-before-seen innovations in this segment such as the world’s first 32 MP pop-up selfie camera and AI enabled 48 Million Quad Pixel Sensor (12Million Effective Pixels) + 8MP + 5MP triple rear camera. To create a seamless and powerful experience, the device is powered with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 675AIE octa-core processor supported by an enhanced CPU and GPU, which consumes less power while delivering flagship level performance. Consumers will also get an array of attractive offers* on the purchase of the Vivo V15 Pro on offline and online channels.
#GoPop the with the World’s First 32MP Pop-Up Selfie Camera
Taking inspiration from the ground-breaking NEX, V15 Pro carries the same Elevating Front Camera, but this time better. The Vivo V15 Pro incorporates an industry-first 32MP pop-up selfie camera, which delivers unrivalled clarity. The unique pop-up front camera, housed within the phone body, smoothly emerges from the top of the smartphone and retracts once the selfie has been clicked.
Triple the fun with AI Triple Lens Rear Camera
The V15 Pro features an AI enabled 48 Million Quad Pixel Sensor (12 Million Effective Pixels) + 8MP + 5MP triple rear camera with 1/2.25-inch sensor and a large f/1.8 aperture along with a 32MP Pop-up front camera. The smartphone uses quad-pixel technology, which combines 4 adjacent pixels into one ‘super pixel’ delivering high-quality 12MP photos, while ensuring clearer and sharper low light photography. The powerful combination of 8MP AI-enabled Super Wide-Angle camera, a 5MP Depth camera and an upgraded AI algorithm allows for a wider 108 degrees view that results in better picture composition.
Ultra FullViewTM Display and In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology – The Future Is Now
The V15 Pro creates a ground-breaking visual experience by incorporating a 16.23cm (6.39) Super AMOLED Ultra FullView™ Display screen that comes with a 91.64% screen-to-body ratio – a first in the V series. The smartphone also incorporates Vivo’s industry-leading fifth-generation In-display fingerprint scanning technology, which comes armed with a higher fingerprint pixel density and more sophisticated algorithms, allowing faster, flawless and a more secure unlocking experience.
Flagship Performance- India’s First AI Qualcomm 675 Smartphone
The V15 Pro is the first smartphone to be packed with the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 675AIE octa-core processor. The smartphone further enriches user experience with 6GB RAM, 128GB storage and the latest Funtouch OS 9 Operating System, based on the Android 9.0. The amalgamation of powerful specifications ensures a seamless UI experience, outstanding gaming capabilities, stellar camera features and smoother multitasking. Despite being ultra-sleek and lightweight, the V15 Pro is a powerhouse packed with a massive 3700 mAh battery. Additionally, Vivo’s exclusive Dual-Engine Fast charging ensures that the phone is charged up to 24% in just 15 minutes.
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