Noise, India’s leading connected lifestyle tech brand, kickstarted its eighth-anniversary celebration with the launch of new Noise Buds VS102 Plus along with the exciting Super Anniversary Shopping Sale with a bumper discount of up to 75% across the diverse product range. The Buds VS102 Plus goes live on Flipkart and the brand’s official website for INR 799, while the bumper Super Anniversary Shopping Sale goes live tomorrow, i.e. 30th August, and will run until the weekend, i.e. 4th September.
Amit Khatri, Co-Founder, Noise, “We are delighted to mark our eighth-anniversary celebration with the launch of exciting Super Anniversary Shopping Sale and feature-loaded Noise Buds VS102 Plus, for our beloved consumers. Consumers have been an integral part of this long and successful journey and we hope the announcements give them a chance to cheer with us as we grow stronger from here and flourish to create new milestones.”
The feature-packed product, Noise Buds VS102 Plus, comes with a unique Flybird design, 36 hours of playtime, and IPX5 water-resistant technology, reflecting style and innovation under one package. True to its tagline, Rethink Audio, Buds VS102 Plus provides an immersive audio experience with features like Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENCTM) with quad mic, and features Hyper SyncTM, and Bluetooth 5.3 for uninterrupted connectivity. For those who often forget to charge their earbuds, the Noise Buds VS102 Plus is a godsend. The device comes with an InstachargeTM feature that enables it to play music for 120 minutes in just 10 minutes of charging along with Type-C charging for quick power refill.
Adding to the celebration, the Super Anniversary Shopping Sale will offer up to 75% off across the portfolio and on some of the newly launched products like ColorFit Pro 4, XFit 2, Pulse, Xtreme, and also VS102 Plus launched today. The sale would run from 30th August to 4th September where 10 lucky winners who register on the website and Facebook page, will get a chance to win smartwatches worth Rs 4,999 at just Re 1. Those who register on the Noise website can also enjoy the benefit of 4-hour early access to these offers. Moreover, customers can avail a discount of INR 500, on 15+ products across smartwatch and TWS categories. Not just that, consumers can avail flat 500 discount with the coupon code BDAY500 and a flat 1000 with the coupon code BDAY1000, valid on prepaid orders only.
Products |
ColorFit Pro 4 |
Colofit Pulse Buzz |
Grand |
VS102+ |
Buds VS 104 |
Airbuds plus |
Mini |
Ultra 2 Buzz |
ColorFit Pro 4 Max |
icon buzz |
Evolve 2 |
Pulse 2 |
XFIT 2 |
Ultra 2 |
Xfit |
Pulse |
Ultra Buzz |
Buds vs202 |
Colorfit Pro3 Assist |
Xtreme |
ColorFit pro2 |
Tune Active Pro |
champ |
VS103 |