realme, the most trusted technology brand in India, has announced that it has been working closely with Google in order to bring the latest Android 13 Developer Preview Program to the realme 8i users which is now open on realme community. User experience has been of utmost importance to realme, and therefore the brand has ensured to provide the latest updates to its users in a timely manner.
Android 13 provides users with improved battery life, enhanced PIN privacy, and much more. By taking some additional steps to protect user privacy, and bringing several improvements such as security-related changes and accessibility features, Android 13 is bound to improve the user experience.
It also introduces great new features and APIs for developers like Per-app language preferences, Grammatical Inflection API, Regional preferences, etc. Android 13 updates the system share sheet to support custom app actions and provides more informative preview results for users.
Step-by-step Upgrade Process
Step 1: Download the rollback package onto your phone’s directory.
Link → Rollback package for realme 8i
Step 2: Locate and install the rollback package:
Settings → About phone → Click on the “realme UI 3.0 based on Android 12 Software Version” banner at the top → Click on the three dots in the top right corner → Local install → Find and tap the rollback package to roll back to the previous version.
realme 8i: