Auto Tech

How E-Bikes And Active Mobility Are Going To Change The Way We Commute


Mr. Ankit Kumar, CEO, Go-Zero Mobility

The active mobility space has been growing substantially and with the pandemic this mobility solution is thrusting into the future. The pedal assistance allows all age groups to travel more easily and longer while giving them the proper daily dose of vitamin D.

E-bikes globally are playing a major role as it helps in meeting the goals of smart cities. It allows the user to commute faster, increases transportation options, contributes towards curbing pollution, enhances road safety by reducing traffic congestion and allows for social distancing.


The current situation coupled with a significant focus by the Indian government towards electric mobility, especially two-wheelers E-bikes will contribute to a major push for transforming the way we commute in India.  

Electric bikes are ideal for anyone who craves speed without the mechanical intricacy of a gas-powered machine. Also, a lot of attention is being given to its design, as you can now find handsome designs with fine finishing and detailing. 

Despite the fact that Electric bikes are bit costlier than the conventional bicycles but the additional cost brings so much in to play. The new advancements in technology has made E-bikes the first choice of commuting for many around the globe.

The traditional way of looking at bicycles is that it’seither meant for fitness or to travel shorter distances. But not anymore, e-Bikes are the latest craze around the globe. With easy distribution- offline and online, more and more Bikes are seen on the roads. 

Highlighting the Advantages of Electric Bicycles

These Bikes serve many purposes

Cycling, as we all know, is one of the best exercises that help in maintaining body metabolism. For moderatedistanceslike25-50km, these-Bikes are the best solution.

These-Bikes are pollution-free

Imagine the scenario when battery operated automobiles will be seen in a large number on the roads.

E-Bikes are surely going to contribute in keeping the environment green!

Simple to operate and park: 

The safety automatic features make E- bikes a hassle-free technology. You do not have to stress about what gear you are in and how to clutch correctly. You only have to execute a little physical effort to drive your E-Bike. The fact that you do not have to worry about gas or oil makes it fantastic. They are also easy to park.

Connected mobility enables the fusion of technology with products that make the intelligent. 

So now, you need not be Lance Armstrong to get the thrill of riding at an average speed of 25kilometers per hour. Just owne-Bike and go riding your world!

These are some reasons why electric bikes have picked space and are thrust into the future. However, the major challenge facing the industry today is awareness. People are just not aware about the e-bikes & its benefits and that’s primarily due to the limited reach. However, companies like Go-Zero Mobility are selling e-bike through an online marketplace which is helping boost its visibility.

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