On2Cook: Revolutionizing Culinary Speed with Multi-Mode Precision Cooking

Sanandan Sudhir, CEO & Founder On2Cook with the device

On2Cook is the fastest cooking device on the planet, which employs a combination of induction, flame, and microwave to prepare food. The combination cooking methodology enables microwave cooking from the lid and induction from the bottom simultaneously. It is this simultaneous cooking from both inside and outside that makes the ‘magic’ happen, resulting in not just a shorter cooking time, but also retention of vitamins, water-soluble nutrients and minerals.

Engineered for those who want to save cooking time yet eat nutritious food, the appliance cuts the cooking time by 70% and saves up to 50% on energy consumption. Furthermore, On2Cook allows hands-free cooking with a stirrer while automating moisture removal or addition to make the process simpler. Alongside ensuring delicious food and fostering a healthy lifestyle, On2Cook allows one ample time to spend with friends & family, or to just indulge in other important facets of life. It is a solution that can change the way we lead our daily lives, and a cooking innovation not seen in a long time.

With the appliance comes an AI-assisted On2Cook app, which when used with the device enables automation of recipes along with inventory management. Automated ordering integrated with speed cooking using On2cook would allow users to save significant amount of time, energy and costs. The product and the app fit seamlessly in the smart kitchen ecosystem, equipping the kitchens with last mile connectivity and corresponding data analytics. The same can immensely help in predictive planning for the overall food production and delivery chain, eventually reducing food and energy wastage significantly.


What all can we cook with On2Cook?

From your daily staples to culinary delicacies, you can cook almost everything with On2Cook, which is in fact the best part of the appliance. From baking to grilling and steaming to deep frying, there are diverse methods of cooking, and this 6-in-1 appliance is designed for all.  Speaking about baking in particular, with On2Cook you can bake a cake in 5 min or a delicious crunchy pizza in just 3 minutes. If steamed momos or fish is what you crave, you can get it with this device in a jiffy.

On2Cook is further suitable for grilling, as you can grill your paneer, sandwiches, chicken, burger patties and saute vegetables within minutes, in addition to dishing out chicken curry or butter chicken in 7 minutes. The device is also the perfect option if the requirement is of deep frying to prepare items like french fries and samosas in the shortest possible time; as also for air frying delicacies like tikkies, cooking or recreating from frozen food, stuffed parathas and interestingly, cooking Maggie actually in just 2 minutes. On2Cook also cooks frozen items without the need to thaw, which is a prerequisite specifically for cloud kitchens and quick service restaurants. The device is as suitable for a household kitchen as for a cloud, restaurant and industrial kitchens.

What do cloud kitchens and restaurants stand to gain with On2Cook?

There is a lot that cloud kitchens and restaurants stand to gain with On2Cook. To start with, it effortlessly automates recipes while cooking meals in just one third the usual time, which resultantly reduces the time to table to less than half. With this fastest cooking device, the restaurants and cloud kitchens save over 50 per cent on space as well as power bills. Allowing them to incorporate more number of orders, it is a win-win proposition for restaurants, cloud kitchens, aggregators and lest we forget, the customers.

The commercial kitchens further get the ability to start in a space that does not allow gas while making optimum and efficient use of chefs/cooks with reduced labor costs. Besides, there is standardisation of recipes, minimization of consistency-related concerns, backed by accurate data on what is cooked and when. SOPs-based cooking becomes consistently possible, with best quality cooked food and zero wastage, thereby enabling more number of outlets.

Another major challenge persisting in the industry is with respect to high churn rates, which is often a consequence of multiple factors. On2Cook can play an instrumental role in this regard owing to its automation capabilities, as with lesser requirement of manual intervention, less-skilled labor can be engaged in a quality and consistent job.

Can you tell us about your early life, education and how you became an entrepreneur-inventor?

I hail originally from Jalandhar in Punjab and currently based out of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. After my schooling, I went to the National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur to pursue engineering, following which I did my post graduation in Industrial Design and Product Design from the prestigious National Institute of Design in 1998. My professional stint began in Bangalore with GE Healthcare, where I worked for almost a decade and played an instrumental role in defining the vision for Industrial design, innovation & concept development. In the course of my professional endeavors, I developed a deep insight into both local & global perspectives in relation to market differentiation, product design practices, consumer preferences & trends. To sum it up, currently I hold over 23 years of Design Excellence and Leadership experience, and my entrepreneurial journey kickstarted with Invent India Innovations, which focused on patentable & game-changing products with businesses across markets such as USA, Hong Kong, Canada and of course, India. A man on a mission to build one of the best Idea-to-Market companies in the world, I currently hold 25 granted patents (US and UK).

Did an appearance on Shark Tank India Season 1 benefit you as an inventor?

The appearance on Shark Tank India was indeed a cherished moment, especially for it made most people in the industry know about the device and the difference it could make in our commercial and domestic kitchens. Also, you find a few people interested in a selfie while walking on the road!

Any thoughts on the evolution of the cooking industry?

The evolution in the cooking industry is driven predominantly by technological advancements. With the labor costs surging and customers constantly scrambling for consistency in quality and taste of food, technology is taking over the domain by enabling instant solutions. For instance, technology is helping to create not only frozen food options and retort curries, but also assisted automation devices to resolve the aforementioned impediments. The other trend apparent is that the home chefs are gaining traction. Quicker cooking methods for better quality food output is facilitating more people fulfill their dream of cooking and experimenting with diverse recipes and ingredients in their home kitchens.

A pivotal role is being played here by combination cooking devices such as On2Cook, which ensure that cooking does not remain a cumbersome task consuming ample time of our daily lives. Rather, they make cooking a fun and seamless experience, with the widest choices on the platter.

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