Panasonic Life Solutions India (PLSIND), a leading diversified technology company, released a unique study that captures the everyday life concerns of young Indian parents. The...
Panasonic Life Solutions India (PLSIND) announces its 2024 line-up of Air Conditioners, including the latest range of Matter-enabled Room Air Conditioners (RACs). Responding to the...
Panasonic Life Solutions India launches of its new range of Google TVs. This follows the successful launch of OLEDs recently. The company plans to introduce...
Electric water heaters are found in many households today and are a prudent choice contrasted with gas-based water heaters. Moreover, they are profoundly productive and...
The future is grounds for a connected living facilitated by smart appliances. Smart consumers are now opting for automated and smart technology products that can...
Panasonic India – a diversified technology company, today, announced the launch of the new Spatial Solutions Division as part of its strategic expansion for Smart Home Solutions. To...
As the festive cheer slowly proceeds towards the end of the year, the pandemic-stricken times have shown a significant increase in television viewership. With easy...
With the rise in urban population and demand for smarter home appliances, water heaters have become a necessity, especially with the upcoming winter season, there...