
The Smartphone Industry is Evolving at Such a Rapid Pace That There Is No Constant Trend

India’s smartphone market is all set to bounce back after the COVID-19 pandemic, which is expected to be under control with rising vaccinations. With just a minor dip in 2020, market resilience during the pandemic is testimony to the potential of the Indian smartphones industry.
With ~320 million feature phone users, the market presents a huge opportunity. migration of more and more feature phones to entry-level smartphones is inevitable. If the low-cost phone is a success, the Indian smartphone market will enter a hyper growth phase.
We caught-up with Mr. Anish Kapoor, CEO, Infinix India, asking him about Smartphone Industry 2021 year review and trends expected in 2022.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, smartphones have emerged as the most crucial device. They were the propellers of normalcy at a time where everything was fickle. They became linchpins for businesses to transition to an online work environment. Smartphones were the tip of the spear that spawned numerous start-up’s across categories. Entrepreneurs, especially in tier 2, 3 and 4 cities, leveraged the connectivity that smartphones provide to launch their businesses and make them appeal to the masses.
While the pandemic did cripple many big businesses, it provided the right sandbox for new industries. The rise in country’s smartphone user base coupled with free data offerings led to an upsurge in the social commerce sector. The startups operating in this space are bearing a fresh wave of digital commerce targeting the next 500 million netizens in Ties 2 and Tier 3 cities.
Gaming is another industry that has accelerated with the increasing usage of smartphones during the pandemic. In fact, affordable smartphones, a new breed of developers, and gaming content creators have led to a rise in gaming startups. The latest report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) indicates that mobile gaming contributes more than 90% to the country's current $1.6 billion gaming market. This testifies the positive impact smartphones can have on the world, regardless of the  circumstances.
The technological advancements are so rapid that every new smartphone models are becoming obsolete with each passing year. The industry is evolving at such a rapid pace that there is no constant trend.
However, inferring from consumer habits, predictions can be made on the direction the industry will navigate in the upcoming year.
Current Trends in 2021
Better Camera Resolution Hardware: In a time where influencers dictate trends, movies are made using mobile cameras, and the social media feed of an individual is dictated by the quality of their selfie camera, smartphone manufacturers are battling for new ways to produce the best quality picture. Today’s smartphones have no less than four cameras (including zoom lenses). 8K recording, built-in Gimbal stabilizations, High-resolution sensors, and in-display selfie cameras are just a fraction of the advancements that have been made this year.
More RAM Capacity: Multi-tasking is a crucial element that consumers prefer. A 4GB RAM once used to be enough, but now even with 8GB, consumers find their mobile phones to be lagging. Every application built now, including streamlining & gaming platforms, comes with widgets or the settings to optimally perform in half the screen. More often than not, many consumers do not entirely exit from all of their open applications. All of this consumes large volumes of RAM. Therefore, the new generation of smartphones is emerging with a larger RAM capacity.
The popularity of SMART Wearables: In the aftermath of the pandemic, consumers have become more health-conscious and prefer to keep track of all of their functions. Additionally, consumers also find it more convenient to handle redundant and trivial tasks using their smart wearables that are compatible with their smartphones. Per the latest report, the sale of smartwatches grew by 27% in the year 2021.
Increased Compatibility to Gaming Mobiles: With the increase in gaming communities, models like platforms as a service, and interactive gaming like online multiplayer games, the mobile gaming industry is standing firm in 2021. A large chunk of the advancements made to screen quality, graphics, and firmware ensured a better gaming experience.
Projected Trends in 2022
The Indian smartphone market is currently on the road to recovery following the COVID-induced slump in 2020. It is expected to return to growth in 2022, buoyed by an improved economic environment and elevated consumer spending.
Some of the key trends we might witness next year are:
 Enhancement of Existing Technologies: All of the trends that we have witnessed in 2021 will only evolve and improve in the coming years. Be it better camera hardware, providing an enhanced gaming experience, etc., they will be focused on in tandem with new technologies. Dar-Link Technology: The AI-optimized game engine by Infinix will continue to revolutionize the smartphone industry. With its smooth & stable graphics display achieved by multiple algorithms, the improved touchscreen sensitivity achieved by using Infinix Zero 8 Helio G90T chipset, the consumer can have one of the most realistic and seamless mobile gaming experiences possible. Most notably, the intelligent CPU/GPU operating regulator present within is set to be optimized further to ensure continued excellent performance for an extended period of time.
Increase in 5G-compatible Devices: Even though 4G will always be there, by the end of 2022, 5G is expected to better connectivity, superior speeds and enables a better device ecosystem for an intelligent environment. The latest report by TrendForce indicates that by the end of 2022, the number of 5G devices will increase by 47.5%. Remote-work compatible devices: Smartphones are cost-effective and portable computers
that have decent storage. They can be used to connect to any network and, with the right OS, be integrated with the best possible support. With the monumental advancements in mobile technologies, many businesses were able to stay operational during the erratic times of the pandemic because their business relied on the efficacy of smartphones. Given the current work culture, it is safe to state that there will be numerous advancements in ensuring that smartphones have unique settings and features to enhance remote-work models.
Smartphones have become irreplaceable devices, regardless of the period of time. Be it 2021, 2022, 2026, or otherwise, they will evolve to a point where they become the primary device for every consumer requirement. With the increase in the number of applications and reliance on the virtual space, dependency on smartphones is bound to increase. According to a report released by Mordor Intelligence, the number of smartphone consumers will reach 7516 million units by 2026, whereas smartphone production is set to peak at 1.39 billion units. With smartphone penetration levels in India expected to be on a steady uptick, the market will be hot for more investments next year.

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